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Stability & Balance Exercises for Seniors | Fall Prevention | SilverSneakers

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Are you a senior looking for a way to improve your balance and prevent falls? Look no further than SilverSneakers Stability! This On-Demand class, led by Sharlyn, focuses on improving lower body strength and balance, and is specifically designed to decrease the risk of falls. With chair support and a variety of training techniques, you’ll not only improve your muscular endurance and cognitive skills, but also gain valuable skills for fall prevention.

During this online class, you’ll learn how to move through exercises designed to increase your balance and stability, all while using a chair for support. Sharlyn will guide you through a variety of training techniques, including resistance training and weight-bearing exercises, to help you build strength and coordination.

One of the main benefits of SilverSneakers Stability is its focus on fall prevention. With the right training and support, you can reduce your risk of falls and maintain your independence as you age. This class is perfect for seniors of all levels, whether you’re just starting out or looking to challenge yourself with advanced exercises.

No special equipment is required to participate in SilverSneakers Stability, just a chair for support. This makes it easy to join in from the comfort of your own home, without the need for expensive gym equipment or long commutes.

So if you’re looking to improve your balance, prevent falls, and build strength and coordination, join Sharlyn for SilverSneakers Stability. It’s a fun, engaging class that will leave you feeling stronger and more confident in your movements. Plus, you’ll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re taking steps to prevent falls and maintain your independence as you age.